ai smart surveillance vivotek brand
Smart Surveillance

VIVOTEK has developed comprehensive IP surveillance solutions that encompass its broad range of network cameras, PoE switches, network video recorders, and video management software. In response to the possibilities offered by the rising trend of IoT, VIVOTEK aspires to become the Eye in IOT by drawing on its expansive technological capabilities in image and audio.

VIVOTEK's VORTEX cloud surveillance platform uses Edge AI to reduce false alarms by 90%. It integrates seamlessly, centralizing management to boost efficiency and enhance security.

As a leading provider of IP video software and systems, March Networks has alwasy been passionate about video’s almost unlimited potential to help organizations work faster and smarter using integrated, analytics-driven business insights.

Awards and Recognition

 vivotek 2024 security50 award

VIVOTEK has been ranked the top14 in the 2024 Security 50 by asmag .com and named among the top 20 companies for the 12th consecutive year.

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